Heritage Poly HND2 Mass Comm Broadcast Students Release Movie 'Infiltration' as Final Year Project, Multiplies Applicant

Heritage Polytechnic ginal year mass communication students shoot movie as final year project
Heritage polytechnic Mass Communication Final Year Students Released Movie That Attract More Applicants To The School

By Mfon Celebrity 

The final year broadcast students of Mass Communication Department of Heritage Polytechnic has released a movie tittled "infiltration" as a final year project.

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The movie script as written by a student of the class, Funmilola Ogunsola, the Assistant Class Representative, produced by the course lecturer, Esther George , and directed by Roland Elu, a former student of the department, has rewarded the entire department of Mass communication with remarkable influence.

Addressing the class, Esther George thanked students who contributed to the successful release of the film adding that, the act has shown how cordial the students are in their academic dealings. She promised that no students will have carryover in the course as tittled "Film production".

A reliable source told the journalists that, the movie has added tremendous credit to the entire institution as people after watching the film finds Heritage Polytechnic attractive for sound education.

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"About 500 people who have watched the movie said they will process admission to study in the institution while about 300 have already processed admission in the ongoing 2021/2022 batcb-b academic session," confirming from the list of already admitted students, a source whose details were not known at the time of this report told the journalist.


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