Ex Heritage Polytechnic Graduate, Sr. Apostle Nabaham Abraham sets to marry African-American Lady

American lady in Nigeria
Nigerian Cleric to marry African-American lady

By Mfon Celebrity          2minutes read

The Ex Heritage Polytechnic graduate, and founder of Miracle of The Lord House, Senior Apostle Nabaham Abraham is set to marry African-American woman, Audrea V. Heard, on December 24, 2022, at his Church Arena, Ibekwe Avenue, Eket, Akwa Ibom.

The Senior Apostle is from Akwa Ibom state, an Ordinary National 
Diploma (OND) holder in Theology of Mass Communication and has 
acquired many qualifications in different fields.

The wife-to-be, Audrea V. Heard hails from Jacksonville, Florida, United 
States of America (U.S). She is the first daughter to her mother, the late
Denee V. Heard, and the second daughter out of five children to her father,the late Walter T. Heard, Jr.

The African American woman, has academic qualifications such as a
Technical Diploma in Small Business Entrepreneurship, and studies for 
her Bachelor of Science in Business Administration.

Audrea V. Heard is an American author and has written 16+ books to her credit. An entrepreneur & business owner, she is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of IBG (Inspired By God) Publications Incorporated (Inc), Scribby Fun Inc., Power To Wealth Enterprises Inc., and Audrea V. Heard Enterprises. She is the Apostolic Leader of Zoe Life Global Ministries, and the Ambassadors Institute of Divinity, all in America.

The couple will seal their marriage, December 22, 2022, in Abuja at the 
wedding registry. They are scheduled to unite in holy matrimony at 9:00 
AM sharp. The wedding ceremony and reception will held be on 
December 24, 2022, at the Church Arena, Ibekwe Avenue, Eket, Akwa 

According to Audrea V. Heard, her siblings will not attend the wedding due to the distance of travel. She said her family originally did not accept the idea for her to marry a Nigerian man. In her words,"Initially, my family was not receptive to my marriage and relocating to Nigeria. But they are beginning to accept the idea that I am pursuing the life God has planned for me.”

"There was a perception that a ‘Nigerian’ man desires to control me and perhaps that I may not be safe here. I had to look beyond those sorts of accusations because I was sure I heard the Lord speak, telling me to go," she added.

In a welcome service held in the church, Miracle of The Lord House on November 27, 2022, Audrea V. Heard said she heard God speak to her
telling her that she will marry in Nigeria, continuing the work of Christ. She is a lover of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Welcoming the apostle of Jesus and author, the Senior Apostle Abraham 
said, he is happy to marry an American. 

"History will bear me witness that I have broken the record in my church, my state, my local government, and in my family, it is not an easy thing for a Nigerian man to marry an American, especially in a time like this where Americans don’t trust Nigerians," Senior Apostle said. 

He pledged not to break the trust Audrea V. Heard has for him.

 In the welcome service, the author of 16 books was made head of women in the church. 

The Miracle of The Lord House Founder, said his wife-to-be spent three thousand dollars to travel from America to Nigeria to make the marriage work. He went on to encourage pastors in the church who are not married to start looking for a wife. He added that the church will not allow pastors who are not married to climb the alter or handle any essential activities in the church from year 2023. He said the church will support pastors in the church with N100 thousand each to get married.

Mfon Celebrity               I am Excited to marry a Nigerian man - Audrea V. Heard 


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