Peter Obi
The mandate can't be stolen forever

By: Mfoncelebrity

At the time I woke up to hear the news of the declared winner of 2023 presidential elections, I sat back, prayed and God said "this is the reason why my mandate for you as a body was 1 Sam. 30:8

"And David inquired at the LORD, saying, Shall I pursue after this troop? shall I overtake them? And he answered him, Pursue: for thou shalt surely overtake them, and without fail recover all."

I thought:

 They have carted away our votes
They stole the will of the people
They took away masses Ray of Hope for a better tomorrow
They subverted the cause of a man chosen by his people
They have prevented the New Nation that suddenly emerged
They carted away the confidence of the people.

Then words of the Lord came strong and sank deep in my spirit "the time to engage the power of His name is now. This is the time to rise up, to PURSUE those that have robbed us, OVERTAKE them and RECOVER ALL.

Now, everyone is feeling cheated, having the sense of loss and feeling so bad, very discouraged and concluding all is lost. We are asking many questions in our heart: what went wrong? Didn't we pray enough? Despite all our fasting and prayers, as hot as they were? Remember, God said my ways are not your ways (Isa. 55:8).

"And David was greatly distressed; for the people spoke of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the LORD his God." 1 Sam 30:6.

Yes, this is where we are now; it is now the pursuits starts. The first step is let every one of us encourage himself or herself. The prayer that changes and birth a new nation is a continuous one; not one that ends after 8 days fasting and prayer. Let us put aside now our griefs.

I encourage you: collect your weapons of warfare; it is time to pursue them. The election results declaration by INEC sounds a done-deal but no, not when God have spoken ahead that we should pursue, overtake and recover all they stole. God have given us this honour, to be His battle Axe, not to allow the raiders escape but to ensure that these Moabites and their evil structures and strongholds are pulled down for the New Nation to be born!

All the soldiers must be encouraged; " _If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small_ " (Pro. 24:10). They may seem to have gone far with their stolen goods but we will recover all. _God is not a man that He should lie... hath he said, and shall he not do it? Num 23:19.

This is our confidence and the basis of our pursuit: The Ark was stolen by the enemies. God could have prevented them but He allowed them. His plans were different! Behold when heaven was mobilized to act, they sort for means to return it by themselves (1 Sam 6:2). Consider the following Scriptures:

"Take off your jeweled crown," the Lord God says. "The old order changes. Now the poor are exalted and the rich brought very low. I will overturn, overturn, overturn the kingdom, so that even the new order that emerges will not succeed until the Man appears who has a right to it. And I will give it all to him." Ezek 21:26-27 (TLB).

"To turn aside the right of a man before the face of the most High, To subvert a man in his cause, the Lord approveth not." Lam 3:35-36 (KJV).

"And David recovered all that the Amalekites had carried away: and David rescued his two wives." 1Sam 30:18 (KJV).

Let us arise in unison, in faith and in boldness, to demand for a New Nation. According to God's word in Eze. 21:26-27 above, the old order has changed and the new order that have emerged will not succeed. When David pursued, he found an evidence that led to the discovery of the secrets and hideout of the thieves. Evidences are already being gathered. God will help us in our pursuit. We shall surely recover all in Jesus name. Remember, we ended the fast with a mandate that "this that the Lord has started must not stop."

Surely, the mandate will soon be recovered.


  1. And so shall it be that we most pursue them and over take our mandate from them. Amen

  2. Amen and Amen... Though the giants maybe on their way to hinder, GOD WILL SURELY GIVE US VICTORY!!


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