Reasons behind the Struggle

 By:Mfon Celebrity

The Past eight years should be a  lesson not to forget to us all, how Nigeria that was once a giant of Africa has become a giant of none, how Nigeria has failed woefully, how Nigeria economy has been mismanaged, how Nigeria has romanced criminality, injustice, and  corruption, of which examples can be sighted from the just concluded 2023 Presidential Election. We have suffered lack of employment, and we have been raped of our lawful right.

What to do

It is mandatory that, we recover our land from the hands of political jobbers who are out  for their stomach infrastructure. We must be determined intentionally, willingly   with utmost effort to recover our country. As concern Nigerians, supporting Peter Obi to take the leadership of our dear country is in our hands. If we relent, his effort alone might not sustain him to secure the victory. It is possible to convert your anger to peaceful protest' it is possible to convert your anger to good prayers.

It is the very first time in the history of Nigeria to have 90% Nigerians show concern over political and election matters, it has never happened before, concern over election results and who wins this time around is different from the previous. A good reason  to this is that, Nigeria has  walowed in aqua of political hoity-toity,  and political jiggery-pokery for too long and we have nothing less than usual. These we must fight against.

Why you should push harder

You could could ask yourself few questions about why the country is where it is today, giving  Nigerians reasons to flee the country. To date, Nigeria's Green Card or Visa makes no sense in foreign countries, not to talk of Nigerians having good reputations before foreigners in foreign lands. When Nigerians leave their home country to another country, the residents of that country see Nigerians as criminals, reason being that, we have corrupt and  hypnotic  political leaders who have zero international recognition base on character, competence, and capacity. Some of these leaders are drug pushers, some are leaders of terrorist group(s), some have little or no intellectual abilities. These in return affect the populace in terms of international   recommendations.

In the aspect of human rights, Nigeria that is a multi-ethnic and culturally diverse 36 autonomous state, operates in statism. Freedom of speech is not completely free, the state down to local government  autonomy is not completely autonomous. Do you still remember the event that occurred at Lekki toll gate; the massacre?

In the economy, since 2018, 40% of Nigerians being  83million Nigerians ,  lived below the poverty line, while another 25% being  53million Nigerians were vulnerable. With Nigeria's population growth continuing to outpace poverty reduction, the number of Nigerians living in extreme poverty currently in 2023 is  133million .

The Nigeria's  economy grows at an average of 3.2%, this growth outlook is subject to downside risk including the uncontrolled  oil theft and heightened insecurity, scarcity of foreign exchange, tighter liquidity which affect the economy in the none oil sector and undermine the overall macroeconomic stability. All these are accompanied with high inflation and continued fiscal debt pressures orchestrated by the so called unlawful political leaders .

Peaceful protest in support of Peter Obi

Try to compare Nigeria before 2015 and Nigeria today, you will see the thin difference. In that , you will  know why  there should be a new Nigeria.

The struggle for a new Nigeria is not about Peter, Peter Obi is just a vessel God wants to use to lift Nigerians. It is about us.

It is wrong to  be tribalistic, Obi is not a tribalist. Don't base your conclusions in the position of Igbos in the long gone  Nigerian Civil War. A Democratic Country can't be divided. A careful look at Obi, you will see integrity, humility, respect, empathy, gratitude, and unity.

Would you rather support a drug lord, than a productive and humble leader?
