Do these things if you must Date a White Lady

things to do to be able to date a white a lady

The intention of this article is to guide men on how to win and keep fair skin ladies (white ladies) in relationship. After reading this article you will become an expertise in managing a white lady in relationship.

You will agree that, it is very quick to admire a white lady than a black lady. As a man, making a white lady your friend might be as difficult as making money because almost all men want them. White ladies are selective in their choices, reason being that a lot of men want them so their minds are always filled with thoughts of who to choose or not, their minds are like a market place where you go to make purchase but the beauty of what you want to buy confuses you as to which one to go for. This is why it can be difficult to keep a white lady.

White ladies are sellable products, even in films you will notice that, they are photogenic; very adaptive to the camera. They are like the precious stone, their beauty alone give men the joy to keep them. In most of the martial homes, they are pet not to do anything. Men who marry women of this nature are always suspicious, they can easily fight because of them, they always have headache because they feel anyone that goes around their beautiful woman wants to have an affair with her.

These therefore mean that, ladies with fair skin or white ladies are expensive in the market. Therefore, to keep them you must have the below listed qualities:

You must have money - keeping a white lady requires money. So you must have enough cash to meet their daily needs else, they will abandon you.

You must be romantic- you must be romantically fit to manage a white lady. You must know how to pet them. You have to be romantic also in bed. Take your time and satisfy her sexually.

You must be well dressed- this particular quality is very crucial, white ladies are nosed for everywhere by able men. This means competition, for you to withstand this competition you must be well kitted. Dress in such a way that, when she looks at you she will be proud.

You must have class- most of the white ladies are classic, by this I mean they have standard both in what to wear, eat, and the type of people to go out with. As a man who wants to keep a lady of such caliber you must go beyond even their own standard.

You must be educated- here, you must have gone to school and least know how to speak and write good English. Nigeria and some other parts of Africa are English natives. Meaning that, the major and most acceptable language in these regions is the English.

Finally, you must work, make sure something legal is giving you money. Don’t be the type that depend on parents for money. Also, ensure to have your personal apartment. No lady in general, would want to follow you to your friend's or parent's house. Beautiful damsels like privacy.


