NYSC Kaduna: Corp Members Flee Rain Amidst Oath to Serve under Rain, Sun

The National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) Kaduna State, had on 4th May,  fled rain during an evening parade.
Soldiers Permit Corp Members to Take a Break from Parade  During Heavy Rainfall 

The National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) Kaduna State, had on 4th May,  fled rain during an evening parade.

The heavy down poor came after the corps members were  called to muster at the parade grown when the soldiers in charged instructed the corps members to run for shelter.

 It came as a surprised that, the soldiers told the corps members to take a break because of the rain after an oath taken to serve the  under rain or sun. The corps members  excitedly took shelter and wait for the heavy rainfall to go away. 

Some of the corp members praised the management of NYSC Kaduna for having human sympathy.

Recall, the NYSC Camps were officially opened on the 26th April, while on Friday 28 April, the corps members were sworn-in. In  Most of the NYSC Camps across Nigeria, corps members are not pardoned to flee rain and any uncomfortable weather  at anytime when called for parade.
