Environment: Kaduna Residents seeks Government's Intervention over Pollution

The residents  of Unguwar Rimi Market ,Kaduna State metropolis have been observed to dispose their waste materials due to reasons they cited are lack of adequate waste bins as well as democrated places for lawful refuse disposal; as such when rain falls flood drives disposed waste materials to unwanted places and cause pollution.

Unlawful waste disposal draws kaduna residents  attention over demand for drainages

Adding to the request,  a resident of the vicinity, Shamsu Ahmed said he wants the state government to provide water drainages to prevent environmental degradation such as flooding and other land pollution issues sacking people's houses in raining season. He continued that the state government made promises to salvage the problem four years ago but to no avail.

Zainab Ibrahim, who's mother happens to be a road-side food vendor in the area said people who live in the environment usually fall sick due to unlawful disposal of waste materials around the area.

Unguwar Rimi Market as situated in Kaduna State metropolis is a major market in the area which serve as a main source of income to residents of the area and the state, and therefore traders and residents called on the state government for its prompt intervention.
