NYSC and the  future of  Nigerian Youths, Nigerian Youths and the economic hardship, helping Nigeria through skills
NYSC and your future 

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The inception of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) in 1973 marked a turning point in the lives of countless Nigerian youths. The programme has not only served as a bridge between education and practical life, but has also empowered graduates through initiatives like Skill Acquisition and Entrepreneurship Development (SAED), introduced in March 2012.

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Consequently, the NYSC SAED programmes stand as a testament towards equipping graduates beyond their service year as it offers diverse training modules that serve as a catalyst to combat idleness after National Youth Service.

On this note, the Federal Government deserves credit for its commitment to creating equal opportunities for all Nigerian graduates through the SAED programmes. This significant step addresses the perennial question of what business or endeavour to undertake after completing the National Youth Service. In the contemporary world, success hinges on innovative thinking, leveraging one's talents, skills, amongst others.

However, the SAED programmes, not only imparts practical skills, but also equip corp members with the tools to contribute to Nigeria's economic development by translating their acquired skills into tangible solutions.

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To this end, the NYSC journey is not merely a year of service, but a stepping stone into a future of endless possibilities. The SAED programmes have cast a guiding light on the path after youth service, offering a wealth of opportunities for enterprising graduates. As these graduates step out into the world, they carry the torch of innovation and national pride, ready to impart the world.
